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10 Ways to Live a Healthier Life

1) Maintain a Balanced diet
Some people think that eating salad all day long is the healthiest thing you can do. This fact is a myth. Your body needs a variety of vitamins and minerals, including healthy fats, so you must begin to fully understand nutrition and make sure that you eat the proper portions of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. If you are having a hard time fitting all the recommended supplements into your daily diet routine you could try taking vitamin tablets to ensure your body is getting the nutrition that it needs.

2) Exercise Regularly
Not only is exercise good for keeping you in shape, it offers other effects such as a boost of morale. A simple and short workout can have a huge impact on your morale and make you feel happier about yourself, give you more self esteem, and just make you feel better about life in general. This doesn’t mean that you have to spend hours a day on exercise, it means spending around 20 minutes to half an hour doing light exercise and not working up too much of a sweat.

3) Get A Good Nights Rest
Getting enough sleep is very very important for your min, body, and soul. It is especially important for your brain as it needs time to rest. Sleeping and getting a good rest allows you to get rid of any fatigue and regain some energy which gets lost throughout the day from participating in daily activities. Getting a good nights rest will allow your body to regain energy and it will make you feel much better in the morning. You will feel more alert and happier because your body doesn’t feel strained or fatigued.

4) Volunteer Work
Volunteer work is a great way to feel better about yourself. Why not help out in your local community or school? You will feel like you are giving something back to your community and will give with less guilt, especially if you are fortune enough to be raised by a great family. Not everyone are as fortune as others to be brought up with the best surroundings. Helping others is a great way to boost your happiness whilst knowing that you are helping others.

5) Start a New Hobby
Starting a new hobby such as attending art classes or taking up a sport is another great way to live a healthy life. Not only are you keeping active but it is a great way to meet new people. This is another great way to boost your Interacting with others. Taking up a team sport or activity also improves your communication and people skills. The bonus is you can do this while participating in doing something that you enjoy.

6) Take Short Walks
Enjoy the great creation of nature by taking short walks when you can. Even a 10 minute walk a day will make you feel much better about yourself. Find nice places close to home, or find a place where you might like to spend a little time to sit down and read a book. Being outdoors has a positive effect on your brain and will make you feel much more relaxed and composed.

7) Set Aside Alone Time
Alone time is very important because in the modern day people seem to be too busy to take time out for themselves or their family. Once in a while take some time away from work and regular activities to spend time with people that really matter, yourself and your family. Participate in activities together such as going to the movies or taking the kids to the zoo. Always remember who is the most important people in your life and ensure your loved ones know that you have time for them.

8 ) Have Faith in Your Abilities
Always believe in yourself and never feel that you can’t achieve something. You can do anything you want to do if you put your mind to it and work on it. Believing in yourself is a powerful thing and will lead to you being more confident and much happier because you believe you can succeed in anything that you do.

9) Feel Comfortable With Yourself
This is one of the most important ways to live a healthy life. Learn to love your body and who you have become. You are attractive in your own right and should feel comfortable being yourself. Don’t let others put you down because everyone see’s things differently and what someone one may consider garbage, another may consider it a treasure. Many people prefer their partner to feel attractive and comfortable with themselves rather than worrying about what other people think. So be yourself and be happy that you are who you are! If you are unhappy with the person you have become and cannot feel comfortable with yourself, work on changing the things you think you can improve on.

10) Enjoy What Life Has to Offer
Last but not least is to have fun. Life is too short to constantly be worrying about things and to think about what could have been. Live life to the max and have as much fun as you can. Enjoy what you do and spend time with the people you love and care about. Don’t dwell on what happened in the past, move on and look forward to what the future has to offer.

Living a healthy lifestyle takes a combination of the above and a little effort. However, the effort you put in will be greatly rewarded. Living healthily doesn’t have to be taxing but it does take some effort, as do most things in life.

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source: http://www.eatcleanlivehealthy.com/top-10-ways-to-live-a-healthy-life/

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