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Identities Of The Chronic Pain Patient

Dr. Leon Anijar, M.D. at Spine and Wellness Centers of America believes the adage, “know thyself” and works diligently to know and understand his patients’ pain conditions by creating a patient-specific pain profile.

At Spine and Wellness Centers of America, our doctors treat a wide variety of chronic pain patients from all walks of life. Understand that chronic pain is an invisible illness (not obvious to others) which can be isolating. Pain medication and surgery can be scary and prevent patients from seeking help. The new generation of pain care doctors has a multitude of minimally invasive, outpatient, pain care treatments that do not require pain medication or surgery.

The Aging Athlete

Getting older no longer means slowing down. As people are living longer healthier lives they want to remain active and continue doing the activities that make them happy. Exercise-induced injuries such as tendinitis, muscle spasms, and ligament tears are increasingly common in older, active adults.

The Postpartum Pain Patient

Muscles around the spine and pelvic floor are still recuperating and can cause acute or chronic pain. For nursing mothers, having a drug-free pain treatment plan is crucial. There are a variety of minimally invasive procedures that can significantly improve the quality of new mothers suffering from postpartum pelvic or abdominal pain.

The Desk-Based Professional Patient

Postural stress is the most common cause of lower back pain and can result in unnecessary missed days at work.

The Genetic Disk Degenerative Patient

Sometimes no matter what you do, it seems that pain is inevitable due to genetics. For instance, symptomatic lumbar disc disease is likely due to several factors, including mechanical stresses to the spine, age-dependent disc degeneration, biochemical factors, and genetics. There are many very effective treatments for degenerative disc disease that do not require surgery and can result in immediate relief.

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